
The Golfmax Rewards Program is a swipe card marketing system wholly owned by Golfmax Inc. The program
includes both rewards marketing and gift card capabilities.
The program is available to any merchant in North America that would like to implement a golf rewards
marketing strategy. In Canada, the program is affiliated with the National Golf Course Owners Association
(NGCOA), and available exclusively to its 1,300 golf course members.
Point of Sale (POS) technology is provided by Ernex, a division of Moneris Solutions. Reward tracking,
customer redemptions and Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM) services are provided by Golfmax. Merchant
billing and compensation for reward redemption is administered by Golfmax. Electronic Funds Transfer (ETF)
services associated with the gift card
program are provided by Ernex.
Supplementary Links
Golfmax Rewards Program – How does it work for golfers?
Golfmax Rewards Program – How does it work for golf courses?
Golfmax Rewards Gift Card Program – How does it work?
CRM Services